Primary materials


Global Human Rights Sanctions Mapping Magnitsky Laws: The US, Canadian, UK and EU Approach (European Parliament, 2021)
<> accessed 7 June 2024
Magnitsky Legislation (House of Commons Library Research Briefing, 20 July 2020)
<> accessed 7 June 2024
Worldwide Global Magnitsky Act Legislation (Library of Congress, July 2022)
<> accessed 7 June 2024

United States

Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal and Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012
<> accessed 7 June 2024
Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act 2016
<> accessed 7 June 2024


Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act 2017
<> accessed 7 June 2024

United Kingdom

Criminal Finances Act 2017
<> accessed 7 June 2024
Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018
<> accessed 7 June 2024
The Global Human Rights Sanctions Regulations 2020 <> accessed 7 June 2024

European Union

Council Regulation (EU) 2020/1998 of 7 December 2020 concerning restrictive measures against serious human rights violations and abuses
<> accessed 7 June 2024
Council Decision (CFSP) 2020/1999 of 7 December 2020 concerning restrictive measures against serious human rights violations and abuses
<> accessed 7 June 2024


Case of Magnitsky and Others v Russia, European Court of Human Rights 2019
<> accessed 7 June 2024


EU Sanctions Map <> accessed 7 June 2024Sanctions List Search. Office of Foreign Asset Control <> accessed 7 June 2024The UK Sanctions List <>

secondary materials


Asada, M. Economic Sanctions in International Law and Practice (Routledge, 2019)
<> accessed 7 June 2024
Bingham, T. The Rule of Law (Penguin, 2010) [Held at the Inner Temple Library]Browder, B. Red Notice: A True Story of Corruption, Murder and One Man’s Fight for Justice (Corgi, 2016)Gordon, R., Smyth, M. & Cornell, C. Sanctions Law (Hart, 2019) [Held at Inner Temple Library]Robertson, G. Bad People and How to be Rid of Them: A Plan B for Human Rights (Biteback Publishing, 2021) [Held at Inner Temple Library]Ruys, T. ‘Sanctions, Retorsions and Countermeasures: Concepts and International Legal Framework’ in van den Herik, L. (ed.), Research Handbook on UN Sanctions and International Law (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016) <> accessed 7 June 2024


Arajärvi, N. ‘The Core Requirements of the International Rule of Law in the Practice of States’ (Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, Vol. 13) <> accessed 7 June 2024Beaven, S. 'The Magnitsky Act in the UK - A Summary' (Pump Court Chambers, 8 July 2020)
<> accessed 7 June 2024
Blockman, S. ‘The EU’s Magnitsky Act: Obsolete in the Face of Russia’s Crimes in Ukraine?’ (International Centre for Defence and Security, May 2023) <> accessed 7 June 2024Eckes, C.’ EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime: is the Genie Out of the Bottle?’ (Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 2022, Vol. 30, No. 2 <> accessed 7 June 2024Edwards, L. ‘Russia Claws at the Rule of Law’ (ABA Journal, Vol. 95 No. 7) [Available at the Inner Temple Library via HeinOnline]'Fact Sheet: The UK’s Use of Coordinated Magnitsky Sanctions' (All-Party Parliamentary Group on Magnitsky Sanctions, November 2022) <> accessed 7 June 2024Firestone, T. & Contini, K. ‘The Global Magnitsky Act’ (Criminal Law Forum, Vol. 29, No. 4) [Available at the Inner Temple Library via HeinOnline]'The Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act' (Congressional Research Service, October 28, 2020) <> accessed 7 June 2024Hall, K. ‘Profession Denounces Posthumous Magnitsky Trial’ (Law Society’s Gazette, 15 July 2013) <> accessed 7 June 2024Harding, L. ‘Who was Sergei Magnitsky and How Did UK Sanctions Come About?’ (The Guardian, 6 July 2020) <> accessed 7 June 2024Herszenhorn, D. M. ‘Dead Lawyer, a Kremlin Critic, Is Found Guilty of Tax Evasion’ (New York Times, 11 July 2013) <> accessed 7 June 2024Hofer, A. ‘The “Curiouser and Curiouser” Legal Nature of Non-UN Sanctions’ (Journal of Conflict & Security Law, Spring 2018, Vol. 23, No. 1)Lilly, M. & Arabi, D. ‘Symbolic Act, Real Consequences: Passing Canada’s Magnitsky Law to Combat Human Rights Violations and Corruption’ (International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis, Vol. 75, Issue 2 <> accessed 7 June 2024Lipman, M. ‘What’s Behind the Russian Adoption Ban?’ (The New Yorker, 21 December 2012)
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Loudon, C & Kmiotek, C. 'UK Global Human Rights Sanctions: Year One in Numbers' (Royal United Services Institute, 20 July 2021) <> accessed 7 June 2024Moiseienko, A. ‘Crime and Sanctions: Beyond Sanctions as a Foreign Policy Tool’ (German Law Journal, Vol. 25, Issue 1) <> accessed 7 June 2024'Multilateral Magnitsky Sanctions at Five Years' (Human Rights First, November 2022)
<> accessed 7 June 2024
Newson, N. 'Magnitsky Sanctions' (House of Lords Library, 18 June 2021 <> accessed 7 June 2024Pasculli, L. & Stafford, B. ‘Form and Flexibility: the Normalisation of "Magnitsky Sanctions" in the Face of the Rule of Law’ (Hague Journal of the Rule of Law, Vol. 15) [Available at the Inner Temple Library via HeinOnline]Peter, L. ‘Magnitsky Trial: Russia Accused of "Travesty" Over Dead Lawyer’ (BBC News, 11 March 2013) <> accessed 7 June 2024Portela, C. 'A Blacklist is (Almost) Born: Building a Resilient EU Human Rights Sanctions Regime' (European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), 2020 <> accessed 7 June 2024'Report of Public Oversight Commission of Public Oversight Commission for Human Rights Observance in Moscow Detention Centers on the Inspection of S.L. Magnitsky Containment Conditions at PTDCs (Pre-Trial Detention Centers) of Moscow' (Public Oversight Committee, 2009) <> accessed 7 June 2024Rijpkema, P. ‘The Rule of Law Beyond Thick and Thin’ (Law and Philosophy, Vol. 32, No. 6)Robertson, G. & Rummery, C. ‘Why Australia Needs a Magnitsky Law’ (Australian Quarterly, Vol. 89, No. 4)Servettaz, E. 'A Sanctions Primer: What Happens to the Targeted?' (World Affairs, Vol. 177, No. 2)Spaggiari, G. ‘Sanctioning Corruption? An Analysis of the Relationship Between Economic Sanctions and Anti-Corruption Efforts’ (UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, Vol. 27, Issue 2) <> accessed 7 June 2024Booth, Taylor. 'The Global Magnitsky Act: U.S. Leadership or Lip Service in the Fight against Corruption?' (Journal of Global Rights and Organizations, Vol. 11) [Available at the Inner Temple Library via HeinOnline]Van Bueren, G. ‘Citizens’ Arrest: the Powers and Limits of Magnitsky Laws’ (Times Literary Supplement, 21 May 2021)van der Have, N. ‘The Proposed EU Human Rights Sanctions Regime: A First Appreciation’ (Security and Human Rights, Vol. 30)
Weiss, M. ‘Man on a Mission: Bill Browder vs. the Kremlin’ (World Affairs, Vol. 174, No. 5)Wilson, T. H. & Sheppard, J.R. ‘In Memory of Sergei Magnitsky: A Lawyer's Role in Promoting and Protecting International Human Rights’ (Houston Journal of International Law, Vol. 41, No. 2 [Available at the Inner Temple Library via HeinOnline]Zemtsov, M. et al. 'The Legitimacy and Effectiveness of the UK Sanctions' (UCL, [n.d.])
<> accessed 7 June 2024


The Magnitsky Act with Bill Browder (Law Pod UK, 2 June 2021 <> accessed 7 June 2024The Magnitsky Method - Hitting Human Rights Abusers Where it Hurts (Matrix Law Pod, 15 July 2020) <> accessed 7 June 2024


Justice for Sergei, 2010 (Dir. Hans Hermans & Martin Maat <> accessed 7 June 2024Citizen K, 2019 (Dir. Alex Gibney)
<> accessed 7 June 2024

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